Canon City Golden Age Council

Senior Services
- 728 Main Street Canon City CO 81212
- (719) 275-5177 Office
- 719-276-5200 Transit
- Send Email
- www.theccgac.com
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
About Us
The Golden Age Center began in 1961 by a group of local senior citizens. The Center provides a variety of services and activities to seniors including the nutrition program, educational opportunities, informational seminars, exercise classes, card playing, crafts, Koffee Klub and many others.
Fremont County Transit began in 1999. The service provides local door-to-door transportation to the residents of Fremont County. Although we are a free service we ask for a suggested donation. FCT also transports clients to medical appointments within the county, as well as to Pueblo, Colorado Springs, and Denver for a fee, on a limited basis.
Our goal is to improve the lives of those we serve and we encourage the community to participate in the many programs we offer. We do this with the compassion and dedicated efforts of our volunteers, staff, Board of Directors.