Business After Hours - Small Business Chamber Expo April 11, 2024
The Business After Hours (BAH) program is one of the chamber's most highly anticipated and well-attended monthly events. This BAH is centered around our small businesses with no brick and mortar location, or too small of space to host a traditional Business After Hours program. This special event is held from 4:00pm - 8:00pm. on the 2nd Thursday of April. The Business After Hours program serves two purposes. The event allows the host to showcase their business, services, and facilities to the business community and it offers chamber investors the chance to meet one another and network in a casual and relaxed atmosphere. We've provided a facility with space for up to 25 members to shine.
During the event check out our break-out educational sessions in the conference room. We will have 5- 20 minute sessions on pertinent information about the what's going on in the area or small business issues.
Educational Break-Out Session Schedule:
4:30 City - Leo Evans on "Blueprints for Progress: Unveiling Current and Planned Construction Projects in Canon City”
5:00 City - Ryan Stevens & Ryan LeClair on "Unlocking Opportunities: Easy Business Grants from Your City”
5:30 UAADC - Dave Paul on "Business Loan & Enterprise Tax Credit"
6:00 FEDC – Rob Brown on Fueling Economic Growth: Leveraging the Contributions of EDCs and Chambers of Commerce
6:30 UAACOG - Max Hanson on "Housing Resources"
Miscellaneous Information:
- Scan the program and enter to win a E-blast or entry into a BAH event.
- Register so we can make sure to have your nametag and refreshment tickets ready.
- We provide a space for distribution of cards and flyers.
- Donations accepted for raffles.
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 11, 2024
4:00 PM - 8:00 PM MDT
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Networking Mixer
- 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM BAH Program and Drawing
6655 State HWY 115 Florence CO 81226
$10 MEMBER RSVP (will be invoiced)
Contact Information
Lynda Larsen
Send Email