Florence Friends of the NRA
Always got phone on unless no phone service
Driving Directions:
Pathfinder event center between Florence and canon city on co-115
About Us
Do you think kids ought to receive proper training in gun safety?
If you answered yes, then come join your friends and neighbors at the Florence Friends of the NRA annual banquet on Friday, March 31 in the Pathfinder Event Center in Florence to support local youth shooting sports right here in Fremont County.
Social hour starts with a silent auction, table games, cash bar and raffles to win a whole bunch of beautiful guns.
Doors open at 5:30 followed by a prime rib dinner. Tickets for dinner are $40.
The pre-event raffle features not one, not two, but three beautiful Henry rifles in 17 HMR, 30-30, and the new X-model 357/38 caliber.
Tickets are $20 each or six for $100. Yea, that's right, $100 will get you an EXTRA ticket absolutely free. Free is always a good thing.
For questions or to get banquet and pre-event raffle tickets, contact Cody Hall at (719) 778-9313, florencenra@aol.com or fill out the order form online and return it to florencenra@aol.com. Organizers make it easy and come to those who are interested.
If you or your business would like to get in on all the fun with their own table, donate goods or services, or sponsor one of the guns being raffled off that evening, Cody can help with that too
Florence Friends of NRA helps raise money for nonprofit organizations such as 4-H